
No Vote
but I didn’t.
You’ve got to hand it too Google 3d maps, who‘ve, mapped the notorious well street. Where big stories have been exposed, from Chines run grass dens, large scale raids and now, immortalised on Google 3d maps the end user, the addict, the shoppers nightmare.
“Point of Law, those wishing should have the image altered but the unaltered image remains on record.
But that’s freedom of information! I could pay to have a copy.
So is it still visible and if so, merely so that the state can gain a tax through freedom of information.
You get the picture,

It was inevitable the goings on in this street would become world famous.
The Bronx, The La & New York infamous, compare like for like with the “Well street runners”.
But Is it the we’re watching you! Big brother in your space. Playing the conspiracy, fear, terrorism,
addiction & crime card or is it just looking to score.

So legalise for registered addicts and discourage others from doing it

If the Paisley buddies don’t use this as a big stick and wallop their officials over the head for improper handling of addicts. Theirs no point in fighting crime. You would be better off allowing addicts to work for smack!
It would probable work and make the country money, more than it takes to fight crime and pay methadone bills. The addict has to become so sick of drugs, they stop them selves or even just cut back. Frail junkies maybe the best call centre workers as they work from home with a loan DHSS laptop and Wi Fi connection. There are lost skills in junkies, the instability and erratic nature of an addicts life style, is based on scoring. Remove this stress and any person, could have a stable routine around work and needing to be wasted.

SO NO VOTE, things need to change.
contact https://twitter.com/walexandermsp

GOOGLE 3d catch junkies waiting to score

No Vote

but I didn't.
You’ve got to hand it too Google 3d maps, who‘ve, mapped the notorious well street. Where big stories have been exposed, from Chines run grass dens, large scale raids and now, immortalised on Google 3d maps the end user, the addict, the shoppers nightmare.
“Point of Law, those wishing should have the image altered but the unaltered image remains on record.
But that’s freedom of information! I could pay to have a copy.
So is it still visible and if so, merely so that the state can gain a tax through freedom of information.
You get the picture,

If the Paisley buddies don’t use this as a big stick and wallop their officials over the head for improper handling of addicts. Theirs no point in fighting crime. You would be better off allowing addicts to work for smack!
It would probable work and make the country money, more than it takes to fight crime and pay methadone bills. The addict has to become so sick of drugs, they stop them selves or even just cut back. Frail junkies maybe the best call centre workers as they work from home with a loan DHSS laptop and Wi Fi connection. There are lost skills in junkies, the instability and erratic nature of an addicts life style, is based on scoring. Remove this stress and any person, could have a stable routine around work and needing to be wasted. SO NO VOTE, things need to change.

will you come election time